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Industry: Retail

Since 2004

  • Spent$5,684
  • Gave31 gifts

Within the last 24 months

  • Spent$1,188
  • Gave2 gifts
  • 215th highest spending organization

Legislators who have received the most from this organization

Rep. Noel Torpey Republican | 29th district
Date Recipient Value Description Category
December 3, 2009 SENATE MAJORITY CAUCUS $1,040.22 Senate Majority Caucus Retreat Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 8, 2013 ENTIRE GENERAL ASSEMBLY $887.97 Food & Beverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
December 2, 2010 SENATE MAJORITY CAUCUS $794.26 Kansas City, MO Meals, Food, & Beverage
August 10, 2004 WESTERN MISSOURI RIVER CAUCUS $600.00 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
December 2, 2010 SENATE MAJORITY CAUCUS $496.97 Kansas City, MO Lodging Other
December 3, 2009 SENATE MAJORITY CAUCUS $489.18 Lodging--Senate Majority Caucus Retreat Other
June 29, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $300.00 Missouri Legislative Black Caucus Foundation Event Other
November 14, 2006 JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAX POLICY, STATUTORY $222.17 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 15, 2007 HOUSE MINORITY CAUCUS $99.87 Food and beverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
December 2, 2010 SENATE MAJORITY CAUCUS $87.36 Kansas City, MO Meeting expenses Other
May 13, 2009 HOUSE MINORITY CAUCUS $80.91 Lunch Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 13, 2010 HOUSE MINORITY CAUCUS $80.80 Meal Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 13, 2008 ENTIRE GENERAL ASSEMBLY $71.77 Meals, Food and Beverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
December 3, 2009 SENATE MAJORITY CAUCUS $60.13 Meeting Expenses--Senate Majority Caucus Retreat Other
May 12, 2003 GREATER KANSAS CITY CAUCUS $48.50 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
July 24, 2006 Legislator is no longer serving $41.50 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
September 6, 2007 Legislator is no longer serving $37.30 Meals, Food & Beverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 13, 2005 101 CAPITOL COMPLEX CAUCUS $35.00 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 30, 2007 Legislator is no longer serving $28.00 Meals, Food & Berverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
March 25, 2008 Legislator is no longer serving $22.50 Meals, Food, & Beverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
March 25, 2008 Legislator is no longer serving $22.50 Meals, Food, & Beverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
August 26, 2005 Legislator is no longer serving $20.92 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
August 26, 2005 Legislator is no longer serving $20.92 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
March 11, 2005 Legislator is no longer serving $16.15 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
August 2, 2005 Legislator is no longer serving $16.13 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
September 9, 2008 Legislator is no longer serving $15.00 Meals, Food & Beverage Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 22, 2011 Rep. Noel Torpey $15.00 Meal Meals, Food, & Beverage
August 31, 2005 Legislator is no longer serving $9.54 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
October 11, 2005 Legislator is no longer serving $9.52 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
July 8, 2005 Legislator is no longer serving $8.43 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 21, 2006 Legislator is no longer serving $5.73 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage