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Industry: Other

Since 2004

  • Spent$1,578
  • Gave6 gifts

Within the last 24 months

  • Spent$5
  • Gave1 gifts
  • 537th highest spending organization

Legislators who have received the most from this organization

Rep. Michele Kratky Democratic | 82nd district
Date Recipient Value Description Category
November 6, 2009 ENTIRE GENERAL ASSEMBLY $1,216.25 Entire General Assembly invited to "meet and greet" during continental breakfast at MASW's 109th Annual Conference; caterer fee $6.95 per person; 175 MASW members registered for conference. Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 16, 2008 ENTIRE GENERAL ASSEMBLY $103.64 Open House & Reception by MASW & MASW Central Chapter at our building, 606 E. Capitol Ave., JCMO, 65101 Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 23, 2008 ENTIRE GENERAL ASSEMBLY $103.64 Open House & Reception for Legislative Assistants & Secretaries and other staff of all members of the General Assembly by MASW & MASW Central Chapter at our building, 606 E. Capitol Ave., JCMO 65101 Meals, Food, & Beverage
November 6, 2009 Legislator is no longer serving $100.00 MASW presented Rep. Oxford with Elaine Aber Humanitarian Award at our 109th Annual Conference; complimentary registration for conference. Honorariums
May 13, 2008 Legislator is no longer serving $49.78 Bouquet of flowers for her birthday Gift
January 3, 2013 Rep. Michele Kratky $5.00 pizza at St. Louis Chapter holiday party Meals, Food, & Beverage