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Industry: Government/Education

Since 2004

  • Spent$1,042
  • Gave16 gifts

Within the last 24 months

  • Spent$342
  • Gave15 gifts
  • 339th highest spending organization
Date Recipient Value Description Category
November 27, 2006 ENTIRE GENERAL ASSEMBLY $700.00 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
July 14, 2013 Sen. David Pearce $100.50 Lodging for speech delivered at group dinner Travel
January 16, 2013 Rep. Mike Colona $19.14 Legislative Breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 16, 2013 Rep. Warren Love $19.14 Legislative Breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Lincoln Hough $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Margo McNeil $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Todd Richardson $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Mike Thomson $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Anne Zerr $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Noel Torpey $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Lyle Rowland $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Rep. Bill Lant $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Sen. S. Kiki Curls $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Sen. David Pearce $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage
January 11, 2012 Sen. Ron Richard $16.95 Lobbyist provided official with information about community colleges at a breakfast Meals, Food, & Beverage