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Industry: Transportation

Since 2004

  • Spent$1,398
  • Gave16 gifts

Within the last 24 months

  • Spent$205
  • Gave6 gifts
  • 369th highest spending organization

Legislators who have received the most from this organization

Sen. Rob Schaaf Republican | 34th district
Date Recipient Value Description Category
March 29, 2006 TRANSPORTATION, STANDING $354.74 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
March 10, 2004 TRANSPORTATION - ASSIGNED BILLS $217.50 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
July 31, 2007 JOINT COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION OVERSIGHT, STATUTORY $200.00 Not disclosed Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 20, 2007 APPROPRIATIONS - TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, STANDING $191.98 Not disclosed Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 12, 2006 TRANSPORTATION, STANDING $100.00 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 24, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $99.88 Lodging for MDTA Convention Travel
May 5, 2004 Legislator is no longer serving $42.48 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 5, 2004 Sen. Rob Schaaf $41.93 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 11, 2004 Legislator is no longer serving $30.10 NULL Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 24, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $29.63 Reception at MDTA Convention Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 24, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $29.63 Reception at MDTA Convention Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 25, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $20.61 Breakfast at MDTA Convention Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 25, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $20.61 Breakfast at MDTA Convention Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 1, 2007 Legislator is no longer serving $7.07 Not disclosed Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 1, 2007 Legislator is no longer serving $7.07 Not disclosed Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 24, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $5.00 Door Prize at MDTA Convention Gift