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Industry: Energy

Since 2004

  • Spent$616
  • Gave5 gifts

Within the last 24 months

  • Spent$174
  • Gave2 gifts
  • 383rd highest spending organization

Legislators who have received the most from this organization

Sen. Brian Munzlinger Republican | 18th district
Sen. Scott Rupp Republican | 2nd district
Date Recipient Value Description Category
April 18, 2011 TOURISM AND NATURAL RESOURCES, STANDING $392.99 Committee Dinner. Jeff. City Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 2, 2012 ENTIRE MISSOURI SENATE $151.10 meals for Tim Green reception Meals, Food, & Beverage
February 7, 2011 Sen. Brian Munzlinger $40.47 soft drinks for office visitors Meals, Food, & Beverage
May 2, 2012 Legislator is no longer serving $22.50 golf club Gift
April 17, 2011 Sen. Scott Rupp $9.39 Bottled water for office visitors Meals, Food, & Beverage