White Americans who believe whites are discriminated against are more likely to say that they have been personally discriminated against in certain situations.

Among those who believe discrimination against white people...
Institutional Discrimination Does exist Does not exist
Percent of whites who say they have been personally discriminated against because they are white when ...
... Applying for jobs 31% 1%
... Being paid equally or considered for promotions 19% 5%
... Applying to or while attending college 18% 4%
... Interacting with police 14% 5%
... Trying to rent a room or apartment or to buy a house 9% 1%
... Trying to vote or participate in politics 7% 1%
Percentage of whites who say, because they are white, they or a family member have ...
... Been threatened or non-sexually harassed 25% 5%
... Experienced violence 18% 6%
... Been told or felt they would not be welcome in a neighborhood, building or housing development 16% 5%
... Been sexually harassed 13% 3%