Examples Of Tweets About Military Veterans’ Protests From Banned Accounts

The emphasis added shows phrases that may have raised concern with Twitter.


Dec. 9, 2018 at 1:52 p.m.
What a sad and moving scene, military veterans gathering in their uniforms and singing old songs in sadness. Hope the veterans can be good examples and not turn comaraderie into illicit gatherings with ulterior motives. https://t.co/MXDYXAfJZN (Translated from Chinese)
退役军人们穿着军装齐聚一堂,悲戚的着唱着老歌,这是多么催人泪下的场景,希望退役军人们能有榜样力量,勿将战友情深变成别有用心的非法聚会。 https://t.co/MXDYXAfJZN
See original text


Dec. 9, 2018 at 1:37 a.m.
Big destruction! I was scared to death that day. Is there any more rule in the kingdom? Real military veterans are not like this! (Translated from Chinese)
See original text


Dec. 11, 2018 at 2:29 a.m.
For ordinary netizens, members of the military are the most trustworthy, but the illicit violence carried out by several veterans in the name of 'retired military' has varnished the glorious image of militarymen. This kind of violence must be severly punished! No one is above the law and should be punished once they touch its red line. China is a country with rule of law, there is no place and no person beyond it! https://t.co/gRWPIMurCt https://t.co/ktE2VGVa4D (Translated from Chinese)
对于普通网民而言,军人是最可以信赖的人,但个别老兵打着“退役军人”旗号进行的违法暴力行为,亵渎了军人的光荣形象,对于这种暴力行为,必须要严惩!不管什么人,都不可能凌驾在法律之上,只要触碰了法律红线,就该受到法律惩处。中国是法治国家,没有法外之地、法外之人!https://t.co/gRWPIMurCt https://t.co/ktE2VGVa4D
See original text


This graphic presents re-creations of real tweets, with engagement data from Twitter. The original tweets have been removed and are not available. Links included may have originally linked to images and videos that have since been taken down.