NamUs requires these fields, but NCIC does not include them
City last seen
County last seen
State last seen
Missing from tribal land
Investigating agency name
Investigating agency point of contact
Permission to publish (granted by investigating agency)
Both systems require these fields
NamUs requires these fields, and NCIC includes them but does not require them
First name
Last name
Hair color
Eye color
Date of last contact
Investigating agency case number
Date of birth
Circumstances of disappearance
NamUs requires these fields, but NCIC does not include them
City last seen
County last seen
State last seen
Missing from tribal land
Investigating agency name
Investigating agency point of contact
Permission to publish (granted by investigating agency)
Both systems require these fields
First name
Last name
Hair color
Eye color
Date of last contact
Investigating agency case number
NamUs requires these fields, and NCIC includes them but does not require them
Date of birth
Circumstances of disappearance
NamUs requires these fields, but NCIC does not include them
City last seen
County last seen
State last seen
Missing from tribal land
Investigating agency name
Investigating agency point of contact
Permission to publish (granted by investigating agency)
Both systems require these fields
First name
Last name
Hair color
Eye color
Date of last contact
Investigating agency case number
NamUs requires these fields, and NCIC includes them but does not require them
Date of birth
Circumstances of disappearance