A note about this election

To find out who wins this year’s contests up and down the ballot will require patience. The pandemic has transformed how this election is being run in many states. The vast number of ballots cast by mail before Election Day could lengthen the amount of time it takes to count all the votes. But that won’t mean there are problems with the results.

Presidential Results

  • Biden / Leading Winner
  • Trump / Leading Winner

Competitive States

StateE.V.BidenTrump% in
StateE.V.BidenTrump% in

Likely Democratic

StateE.V.BidenTrump% in

Likely Republican

StateE.V.BidenTrump% in


  • Democrat / Leading Winner
  • Republican / Leading Winner
  • Independent / Leading Winner
  • FLIP Change in winning party (party color)
  • R.O. Going to a runoff election
  • 76% in Expected vote*
*Note: Expected vote is an Associated Press estimate of the share of total ballots cast in an election that have been counted. Read more about how EEVP is calculated.
Source: AP (as of ...). Presidential race ratings from NPR.
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