... loves his mother
Freud would find nothing surprising about Buster's relationship with Lucille.
- Occurrence of a joke
- Joke in the background
- Foreshadowing
- Combined joke
21 episodes feature this joke:
Season 1
Season 3
2: For British Eyes Only
3: Forget-Me-Now
5: Mr. F
7: Prison Break-In
Buster's turtle is named "Mother."
8: Making a Stand
9: S.O.B.s
11: Family Ties
In a Spanish language video titled "Too Old to Breastfeed" watched by the Bluth's Guatemalan painters, Buster is heard crying for his mother's milk: "Yo quiero leche! Yo quiero leche de madre!"
12: Exit Strategy
Season 4
2: Borderline Personalities
That thing with the cigarette smoke.
3: Indian Takers
Buster went to Camp Kiss-A-Mee-Mommy.
14: Off The Hook
Buster is discovered napping on the couch with his neatly tailored Lucille replica.