Season 3, Episode 12
Exit Strategy
Gob goes to Iraq to perform his Christian magic act on the USO tour and ends up incarcerated. Michael learns George, Sr. sent Gob to Iraq to burn down the model home he built there, so Michael and Buster fly to Iraq to spring their brother from prison.
21 recurring jokes in this episode

"Come on!"
trick vs. illusion
G.O.B.: "And now I would like to behold one of the late great Jesus’ biggest illusions, The Burning Bush."
The Final Countdown

... is gay
Tobias tells his wife she looks very handsome after drinking half a bottle of Cloudmir.
Related Joke: Cloudmir vodka

SLUT shirt
Lupe's daughter wears Lindsay's SLUT shirt while impersonating her at a rehab clinic.
Related Joke: Lupe's hand-me-downs
Cloudmir vodka (background)
Tobias drinks half a bottle of Cloudmir before going to bed with Lindsay.

George Sr.
Saddam Hussein
Saddam's falsely imprisoned look-alike starts the website "I'm no scar. Dot com."
Related Joke:

Lupe's hand-me-downs (background)
Lupe's daughter wears Lindsay's SLUT shirt while impersonating her at a rehab clinic.
Steve Holt! (background)
PATRIOT Act (background)
George Sr.'s CIA file reveals that he was acting within the confines of the PATRIOT Act.
The actor who played the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld portrays a Saddam look-alike.
pointed narration
The Narrator did not attend Maeby's birthday party.