Season 4, Episode 8
Red Hairing
Lindsay continues to push away from being a Bluth by embracing a relationship and finding a new career.
11 recurring jokes in this episode

"He has a type."
Maeby sees the glitter-blued Marky Bark and declares that Lindsay "has a type."
Related Joke: Blue Man Group

Blue Man Group
Lindsay: "He blued himself." Lindsay's boyfriend Marky Bark accidentally blue glitter-bombs himself when Lindsay forgets to open the podium because she's flirting with the target.
... is actually black
Lindsay thinks that Herbert Love, a black man, reminds her of Tobias back when they started dating. She has a type.

... got a new nose
Sally Sitwell's class president banner mention's Linsday's new nose.
... tries to cry
Lucille: "I'll be out of jail before you work up your first tear."
Lindsay is/is not a Bluth
When confronted by Lindsay on the tennis courts, Lucille tells her, "You're more like me than you know."
Lucille tells Lindsay, "I'm a Bluth and so are you." at Cinco de Cuatro.
Lindsay: "My name is Lindsay Bluth, and this is who I am." Narrator: "A Bluth, just like her mother."

"Goodbye, Annyong."
"Vote Lindsay Bluth for Class President Rich Pretty Thin (Sally Sitwell's not even that hot)"
"Sally Sitwell for President I won't leave for two months and come back with a new nose like Lindsay did."
Related Joke: ... got a new nose
Stress stuttering
Herbert Love's campaign manager stumbles under pressure.
Ostrich troubles
It turns out Marky Bark is the "ostrich guy" that George Sr. saw.