Season 3, Episode 13
Development Arrested
After returning home from Iraq, George Sr. is finally cleared of all charges, and Michael is relieved to be the head of a successful company for a change. The real brains behind the madness is revealed, and just as the family begins to celebrate their victory, a whole new set of problems emerge.
25 recurring jokes in this episode

"I've made a huge mistake."
Lucille put Michael in charge.
"Come on!"
Hot Cops
Tobias: "Although, perhaps I should call the 'hot cops' and tell them to come up with something more nautically themed ... 'HOT sailors' ... or 'hot sea-me--'" Michael: "I like 'hot sailors.'" Tobias: "Me, too ..."

... is gay
Tobias: "Although, perhaps I should call the 'hot cops' and tell them to come up with something more nautically themed ... 'HOT sailors' ... or 'hot sea-me--'." Michael: "I like 'hot sailors'." Tobias: "Me, too ..."
Related Joke: Hot Cops

... got a new nose
Cloudmir vodka (background)
Lucille is seen drinking Cloudmir in her kitchen.
Lindsay is/is not a Bluth
Lucille tells Lindsay that she was adopted out from under the Sitwells.

George Michael and Michael say "Her?" when they learn that G.O.B. is dating Ann.
Rita is special (background)
Rita is hired by a TV studio to run drama development until her condition is realized.
Man with "Freedom" sign
His theme is heard.
Skip Church's Bistro
"Mount Up Pard'ners"
"Risky Business"
missing letters (background)
Mort Meyers calls Rita a "wee brain."
"That was a freebie."
Maeby finds a way to get the family to sign her release forms.
Ron Howard is the narrator and an executive producer of Arrested Development. "Maybe a movie."