Season 4, Episode 11
A New Attitude
Gob accepts a job from his brother, but is distracted by a scheme of his own.
9 recurring jokes in this episode

The Bluths
G.O.B. and Michael fight in the ball pit.
... don't understand Spanish
Cinco de Cuatro
... flirt with incest
G.O.B. asks Michael and then Steve Holt to pretend to be his boyfriend at gay night at the magic club.
G.O.B. kisses George Michael at the Gothic Castle.
Related Joke: Steve's real father

Gahb Bluth
Siri calls G.O.B. "gahb."
G.O.B. forces Michael to have a forget-me-now so that he won't know about Tony Wonder and G.O.B.'s relationship.

names for Ann
Narrator: "Humiliating him in front of his bride, uh, her ..."
Steve's real father
G.O.B. asks his son to pretend to be his boyfriend.
Ostrich troubles
G.O.B. sees the shadow of a bird beak before a Tony Wonder show, which reminds him of the ostrich toy that kept him sane as feral Jesus.