Season 2, Episode 2
The One Where They Build a House
Michael is driven crazy by Gob when he impresses the board as the new company figurehead due to Michael's legal troubles. Meanwhile, George Sr. is arrested in Mexico for a crime Oscar committed, and Buster witnesses something that utterly shocks him.
31 recurring jokes in this episode

The Bluths
... reference Peanuts
Buster calls his genitals "Linus and Charlie Browns."
Related Joke: ... has odd genitals
J. Walter Weatherman
... don't understand hammers
Buster is seen ineffectually hammering while building the model home.
... don't understand Spanish
South America way/Portugal

"I've made a huge mistake."
George Sr. has an affair with Kitty.
"I f***ed _____!"
The business model.
Gahb Bluth
... can't use the phone

Blue Man Group
Tobias uses his blue hue and catlike agility to hide in front of a Cloudmir advertisement.
Related Joke: ... has cat-like agility
... has cat-like agility
Tobias uses his blue hue and catlike agility to hide in front of a Cloudmir advertisement.
Related Joke: Cloudmir vodka
... wants to go to the hospital
Tobias inhales diamond cream.

"You’re gross."
Cloudmir vodka (background)
Tobias uses his blue hue and catlike agility to hide in front of a Cloudmir advertisement.
G.O.B. has a bottle of Cloudmir in his office.
Mommy, What Will I Look Like?

... has odd genitals
Buster calls his genitals "Linus and Charlie Browns."
... has a hole in his heart

Oscar's hair / George Sr.'s Wig
... is Buster's real father (foreshadowing)
Oscar: "I know where the boy came from."
Big Yellow Joint

George Sr.
... embraces religion (background)
The tan lines of George Sr.'s improvised kippah can be seen.
The Cornballer
The Cornballer commercial is falsely redubbed in Spanish.

names for Ann
Related Joke: "Her?"
Michael is surprised George Michael is dating Ann.
Tobias uses his blue hue and catlike agility to hide in front of a "Blendin Moving and Storage" van.
"Mission Accomplished"
missing letters