Season 4, Episode 3
Indian Takers
Lindsay tries to reclaim her sense of self while traveling and getting back to her political activist roots.
12 recurring jokes in this episode

The Bluths
... reference Peanuts
"You're a good man, Charlie Brown."
Prayer hands
Lindsay uses prayer hands when seeking enlightenment in India.

... is actually black
Ninja, please.
... is gay
He was thinking about the hot seamen and couldn't recall Michael's name.
Lindsay sees the blouse Tobias wore better when she gets his luggage in the airport.
Related Joke: bleeps

Balboa Bay Window
Buster appears with Lucille while wearing a gorilla suit.
... loves his mother
Buster went to Camp Kiss-A-Mee-Mommy.

Carl Weathers
Tobias didn't get a lot out of Carl Weathers's method acting clinic.
Taxicab drivers are pretty foul-mouthed, apparently.
Lindsay says Tobias's license plate "ANUSTART" out loud. It does not sound like "A new start."
Maritime law
Beverly Hills
Can you believe it, Beverly Hills.
Ostrich troubles
A shaman tells Lindsay to move her "head out of the sand."
Lindsay sees an ostrich outside an Indian resort.
Marky Bark runs an ostrich farm.