Season 4, Episode 5
A New Start
Tobias searches for meaning after splitting with Lindsay, only to find that old habits die hard.
6 recurring jokes in this episode

The Bluths
... reference Peanuts
Tobias walks dejectedly after DeBrie dumps him.
Prayer hands
Tobias folds his hands together on the airplane before receiving his tea.
... don't know how to tip.
Tobias tips his movers with a few pieces of change.

... is a never-nude
Tobias utters "never-nude" when wind whips up and nearly exposes his shorts to the airport crowds in India.
"Some people battle addiction; other people are incapable of being nude."
... is gay
To a sailor-dressed hot cop: "You are just soaked to the bone."
Linsday: "This marriage that everyone thinks is a sham because you're gay."
Tobias: "You look how I feel." G.O.B.: "What, gay?"
Tobias registers the license plate "ANUSTART"
"I look like one of those hot guys from Spartacus."
Tobias ties his Indian garb into a halter top.
Tobias is wearing a Shemàle shirt.
"I've got a bit of a stick up my bunghole ..."
"For 2,000 rupees, we'd both go down on Matthew McConaghey, right Michael?"
Tobias recognizes DaBrie from the Straight Bait movies.
DaBrie is referred to as a "51-year-old man" when in the hospital emergency room.
"I assure you, there's nothing ambiguous about me. I'm Johnny Storm, the human flamer."

DaBrie curses quite a bit during her confession to her methodone clinic peers. Tobias quotes her curses back to her while helping her refine her act.