Season 3, Episode 7
Prison Break-In
The family plans their annual fund raiser, and they actually have a cause this time. Tobias is ailing due to his transplanted hair plugs, which appear to be rejecting him. Lindsay uses the illness as her ticket back into high society, and Michael learns of the prison warden's true intentions with his mother after reading the warden's screenplay.
28 recurring jokes in this episode

The Bluths
... don't understand marijuana
When Buster's turtle overdoses on Oscar's marijuana, its front left leg falls off.
Related Joke: missing limbs
... flirt with incest
They're family; it seems natural they'd be together.
... drive a stair car
stair car escapes

Franklin Delano Bluth (background)
A George Sr. roots throught he attic, he briefly discovers Franklin.
... sees his parents having sex
G.O.B. tries to knock himself out with pills to avoid seeing his parents have sex.
Related Joke: Forget-Me-Nows
G.O.B. tries to knock himself out with pills to avoid seeing his parents have sex.

... has hair plug complications
... is actually black (foreshadowing)
"The Man Inside Me."
Related Joke: "The Man Inside Me" (foreshadowing)
"The Man Inside Me"
... is gay
"The guy runs a prison. He can have any piece of ass he wants."

... has a lot of charities
Tobias indicates that he has Graft Versus Host (GVH) disease because of his hair plugs.

"Hey, brother ..."
"Hey, uncle-father." — Buster to Oscar.
"Hey, father-uncle dad." — Buster to George Sr.
... loves juice (background)
Buster brings a juice to his turtle.
missing limbs
When Buster's turtle overdoses on Oscar's marijuana, its front left leg falls off.
... loves his mother
Buster's turtle is named "Mother."
... wants a turtle
When Buster's turtle overdoses on Oscar's (not G.O.B.'s) marijuana, its front left leg falls off.
Related Joke: ... loves juice

Michael says "Her?" when he is told that the warden loves Lucille.
The narrator says "Her?" when Michael realizes that Lucille is seducing the warden.
Rita is special
The narrator references Rita's Special Olympics win.
"That was a freebie."
George Sr. finds a Oscar unconscious.
G.O.B. and Michael get into prison.
Ron Howard corrects the name of a Happy Days star.