Season 2, Episode 4
Good Grief
Lucille hires a bounty hunter, Ice, to find George Sr., who may be closer than everyone thinks. Gob tries to pull off an elaborate illusion, Maeby tries to set Lindsay up with Ice, and Michael tries to mend George Michael's broken relationship.
17 recurring jokes in this episode

The Bluths
... reference Peanuts
George Michael, George Sr., G.O.B. and Tobias walk sullenly like Charlie Brown.
George Michael passes a beagle sitting on a red dog house.

Aztec Tomb
George Sr. hides in the Aztec Tomb, which has been stored in the model home's attic.
... messes up a trick.
The coffin illusion.
The Final Countdown
Tobias remarks that Ice is "his type."
Related Joke: ... is actually black
Hot Cops

Gobias Industries
... is actually black (foreshadowing)
Tobias remarks that Ice is "his type."
... is gay
Tobias remarks that Ice is "his type."