Season 2, Episode 13
Motherboy XXX
Lucille abducts George Michael for a mother-son dance, Buster adjusts to having a hook for a hand and Gob reunites with his estranged wife. Also, Tobias stars as George Sr. in a biopic about the Bluth family, which causes Lindsay to become more attracted to him.
27 recurring jokes in this episode

"I f***ed _____!"
my wife
Aztec Tomb
George Sr. hides from George Michael and Maeby.
Gahb Bluth
hard vs. soft "c"


"Hey, brother ..."
"Hey, campers."
"I'm a MONSTER!"
Buster scares children around a campfire.
missing limbs
Clock reads, "ARM OFF"
The seal that bit off Buster's hand has its flipper bitten off.
... loves his mother
"Operation Hot Mother"

"Zip me up."
... insults Lindsay
Lucille: "It was before we did your nose."
Related Joke: ... got a new nose

names for Ann
"Church Thing"
Barry's secret life
Carl Weathers
Carl Weathers is cheap.
missing letters (background)
Related Joke: missing limbs (background)
Henry Winkler literally jumps the shark — as he did in happy days.
G.O.B.'s wife is played by Will Arnett's then real-life wife Amy Poehler.
pointed narration
Michael: "Okay, that would be disgusting if you’d actually slept with her, but I don’t think you did." G.O.B.: "I did. And it was disgusting." Narrator: "They didn’t, but it would have been."