Season 3, Episode 10
Fakin' It
George, Sr. hires a new attorney who asks the Bluths to participate in a mock trial to help prepare them for the real thing. The attorney gets actor Judge Reinhold to preside over the mock case. Meanwhile, Buster fakes a coma to get out of testifying, and George Michael and Maeby participate in a mock wedding to entertain hospital patients. Back at the office, Michael discovers that he may have a long-lost sister named Nellie Bluth.
11 recurring jokes in this episode

... is gay
Michael: "Well, they've got one guy who won't be talking. That is unless there's a hand inside of him." Tobias: "Oh, please, Michael. Even then, I wouldn't say anything."

Thanks to the PATRIOT Act, anything said in the mock trial is legally binding.
pointed narration (background)
A hand turning the page of magazine has a ring that reads "RH" (Ron Howard).