Season 1, Episode 8
In God We Trust
Michael loses his short-term memory, which Lucille uses to her advantage. Gob attempts to use the family yacht before Michael sells it. George Michael and Maeby attempt to see an R-rated movie about cousins having an affair. Buster and Lucille 2 take "the next step".
17 recurring jokes in this episode

The Bluths
... teach lessons
Maeby tries to teach her parents a lesson by hinting she's running away to Portugal.
Michael and Lindsay try to teach Lucille a lesson by ambushing her date.
... don't understand Spanish
South America way/Portugal
... drive a stair car (background)

... gets panic attacks
... loves juice (foreshadowing)
Lucille asks Lupe to clean up some juice glasses.

"He's very good."
Lucille 2's nautical theme
Lupe's hand-me-downs (background)
Boo sweatshirt at Christmas.
gay lawsuit
"That was a freebie."